Friday 11 September 2009

WWW Lesson Plan

LEVEL: Form 2 (Intermediate and above)
TIME: 2 Periods (1 Hour 10 Minutes)
TOPIC: Planets of the Universe
THEME: Science & Technology
LANGUAGE CONTENT: Grammar - Simple Future Tense

EDUCATIONAL EMPHASES: ICT Skills, Learning How to Learn Skills, Multiple Intelligences


1) Students have learnt how to obtain information from the World Wide Web.

2) Students have learnt how to write using the simple future tense.


By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1) Apply their informational skills by obtaining relevant information from the World Wide Web and transferring it into the worksheet given.

2) Apply their writing skills by constructing a short paragraph in the simple future tense based on the information they have attained.


· One computer for 2 students.

· Internet connection

· Web Browser


1) Locate the “Which Planet Do You Come From” quiz from the Quizilla website

2) Browse through the quiz/website to make sure the content is suitable for the students and matches the topic of the lesson

3) Prepare a worksheet based on the information available in the website



Set Induction: (5 Minutes)

1) Teacher recaps the previous lessons on obtaining information from the Internet and also on the simple future tense.

2) Teacher introduces the topic of the day.

Step 2: (15 Minutes)

1) Teacher asks students to be in pairs. Each pair will work on a single computer.

2) Teacher instructs students to surf this specified website:

3) Teacher asks students to complete the quiz in 15 minutes.

4) Teacher offers assistance to students if necessary.

Step 3: (25 Minutes)

1) Teacher distributes worksheets to students.

2) Teacher instructs students to fill the worksheets based on the results of the quiz “Which Planet Do You Come From?”.

3) Teacher asks students to draw a picture of their ‘alien form’.

4) Teacher asks students to imagine being aliens. Teacher also have them answer these questions:

· You have a UFO. Which of the other planets would you visit?

· Why do you choose that planet?

· What would you do if you encounter the planet’s natural inhabitant?

5) Teacher asks the students to write their answers to the questions in the form of a short paragraph. Their answers must be in simple future tense.

6) Teacher offers assistance to students if necessary

Step 4: (10 Minutes)

1) Teacher selects a few students to present their work to the class.

2) Teacher corrects students’ mistakes if necessary.

Conclusion: (5 Minutes)

1) Teacher asks a student to recapitulate the day’s lesson.

2) Teacher inculcates moral values.

Follow-up Activity:

Teacher asks students to do the task in Step 2 again at home. However, it must be done on their own. Their answers to the questions must also be longer and more creative. Their end-product must be submitted to teacher via e-mail.


TASK 1 (In Step 2)

TASK 2 (In Step 3)

Thursday 10 September 2009


This is from the previous class on podcasts. Mine won't play (dunno why), so cedits to Za8 for sharing his beautiful, lovely, heavenly voice to be put on my blog.

But of course, the compliments are sheer fantasy. They aren't real (^o^)

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